
It’s that time of year again…. Can’t you just smell the sugar and the marshmallow? Yes, you guessed right: it’s time for the Second Annual Pinkorama!

(That’s really short for Pink Carnation Peep Diorama, but if I had to write that out each time, these would become very long posts.)

The rules are simple: using those sugary, marshmallowy goodies (Peeps), recreate your favorite scene from the Pink Carnation novels. Any of the Pink books, novellas, or bonus chapters are fair game.

Once your Peep creation is complete, take a picture (or pictures) of your Pinkorama and email them to me with “Pinkorama” in the subject line. I’ll post all the Pinkoramas here on the website and open it up to general voting.

The deadline for the Pinkorama is Wednesday, April 11th. I’ll post the pictures and open it up to voting here on the site on Thursday, April 12th.

The winner and top three runners-up will receive a signed Pink book of their choice.

If you’re seeking Pink Peep inspiration, check out last year’s Pinkoramas!


  1. Pinkorama! « Lauren Willig – News and Events on February 18, 2014 at 8:23 am

    […] a reminder that this year’s Pinkorama is still open for […]

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