Pink XI, The Mark of the Midnight Manzanilla, comes out in just two weeks! So, for this week’s Monday Give Away, we have a flashback to the previous book in the series, The Passion of the Purple Plumeria. (Just to remind Miss Gwen which book is actually about her.) Here’s the official blurb: Colonel William…

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The Coffee Chart

As many of you have heard, my writing process has a great deal to do with caffeine consumption. Just as I swap out music from book to book, I also have a different signature drink for each manuscript– my go to beverage, so to speak. For your amusement, here’s the (updated) coffee chart for the…

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Pink Carnation Cookery: Molten Caramel Brownie Cakes

For this month’s adventure in Pink Carnation cookery, Christine brings us… Molten Caramel Brownie Cakes in honor of The Passion of the Purple Plumeria! I cannot tell you how excited I am about these. Caramel and chocolate are among my favorite combos (chocolate and peanut butter are also up there, but work less well in…

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Pinkorama #3: The Naughty Peepfire Club

Last but not least, we have Winter’s dramatic rendition of Miss Gwen and Colonel Reid spying on a meeting of the Naughty Hellfire Club. (Did I mention that Miss Gwen is currently gloating SO hard over the fact that she inspired all three Pinkoramae this year?) I cannot improve upon the caption that came with…

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Pinkorama #2: The Missing Jewels of Peepar

In this wonderful Pinkorama, by Karen, we visit the last scene of The Passion of the Purple Plumeria (if you haven’t read it yet, avert your eyes!). Journey with me to the drawing room of Selwick Hall, where the location of the lost jewels of Berar (or Peepar) has just been discovered…. There is Miss…

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Scottsdale– Today!

You can find me on-screen at the Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, AZ at 2:00 today, crashing the Rhys Bowen Heirs and Graces book event to talk about The Passion of the Purple Plumeria and whatever else you’d like. (Unfortunately, due to the limitations of technology, my part of the event won’t be available on live-stream…

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Phoenix, AZ– This Saturday!

Hi, Phoenix friends! I’m appearing at the Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale tomorrow. Well, sort of. I’ll be crashing Rhys Bowen’s Heirs and Graces book event via Skype (which is doubly fun for me, since I love Rhys Bowen’s 1930s set Royal Spyness mystery series). The event starts at 2:00 and I’ll be Skyping in around…

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Happy birthday, PURPLE PLUMERIA!

The Passion of the Purple Plumeria officially arrives in stores today! Have you seen Purple Plumeria in the wild? Send me a picture and let me know! Or post it on my Facebook author page. (Parasols sold separately.) I can’t wait to hear what you think of Miss Gwen’s story. Happy reading!

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PURPLE PLUMERIA– Mugs and Contest

The Passion of the Purple Plumeria comes out tomorrow! In honor of release week, I’ve had a new batch of Purple Plumeria mugs with the “Speak Loudly and Carry a Large Parasol” logo made up (since they seem to have been such a hit last time around….) I have five mugs to give away. Your…

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