Colin & Eloise Wedding Week: the Honeymoon
Now that we’ve made it through the Colin & Eloise wedding extravaganza, it’s time for… the honeymoon!
Where should our intrepid pair go?
Options included:
— Wales, for castles:
(Please ignore the author in the photo!)
— Scotland, for more castles– and sheep:
(Those are quite definitely sheep– and not the author.)
But those were both too close to home now that Eloise is on that side of the Pond.
Moving to sunnier climes, they could go to Greece:
They could explore old castles in Oman:
Or visit the races and see all the construction in Dubai:
They could go back to Eloise’s side of the world and look at Pre-Columbian ruins in Mexico:
Of course, there are always islands, like Mustique:
Or Grand Cayman:
Where do you think Colin and Eloise should go on their honeymoon? And will more drama overtake them wherever they go?
Psssst…. If you want to know where they do go, the answer is in The Lure of the Moonflower.
After all the commotion, they really need to relax, not do lots of hiking. The Caymans would be nice as there are lots of resorts as well as activities available like shopping, swimming with sting rays, which is great fun, etc.
I think they should go to Greece, maybe one of the islands, and relax.
Greece for sure!!!
Hawai’i. It’s a cliche for a reason. And it’s wonderful.
Paris definetely. Its the city of love( what more could be perfect). Plus they can pay espionage homage to their flowery spies.
If they do go to Paris, make sure to include them at the love locks bridge.( oh wait, I forgot…its getting removed)
Sailing around the Greek Islands in the mid 2000’s would be brilliant.Today I’d choose the Channel Islands…Sark is wonderful,no cars, clean air, chocolate, cream (not the American facsimile)& food to die for.And enough peace & quiet to keep any honeymooner happy.
Somewhere with terrible phone reception so they can get away from constant interruptions and personal questions from Pammy. Or somewhere where you meet few if any Americans so that they can get away with pretending the reception is terrible. My suggestion would be Malaysia. Gorgeous beaches, great shopping, lovely people and my American suppliers at work used to say “where?” when I told them I was going to Batu Ferrengee.
Sounds alluring to me…and I like the part about getting away from Pammy, as well as all the annoying relatives. I’m at the halfway point in the book and they definitely need to get far, far away.
I loved the book destination because it’s one of my favorite places. My parents lived there for years and I miss walking the streets and all the sounds and color swirling around me.
An Around the world trip.